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312 results
Southern Health and Social Services Trust v F (Permanency Planning)
[2010] NIMag 2 District Judge (MC) Meehan
Southern Health and Social Care Trust v RT and BF
[2010] NIFam 13 Weir J
Caitrin, Dona and Elliot (Pseudonyms) (No 5) (Care proceedings: Remitted hearing)
[2010] NIFam 13 Stephens J
McAree’s (Stephen) and Watson’s (Patrick) Application
[2010] NIQB 79 Treacy J
Reilly’s (James Clyde) Application
[2010] NIQB 78 Treacy J
Queen v McCaugherty (Paul Anthony) and Gregory (Dermot Declan) (aka Michael Dermot)
[2010] NICC 28 Hart J
Arthurs’ (Brian and Paula) Application
[2010] NIQB 75 Girvan LJ
Cassidy (Brendan) v Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
[2010] NIQB 81 Weatherup J
Liggett (Terence Noel) and Liggett (Denise) [Trading as Period Homes] v Brownlee (Melanie) aka Harrison (Melanie)
[2010] NIQB 83 Weatherup J
Holywood (Keith) v Law Society of Northern Ireland
[2010] NICA 30 Coghlin J
Megahead (H) v Queens University Belfast
[2010] NIQB 77 McCloskey J
McGauley (Margaret), Campbell (Mark), Shannon (Mark) [Trading as Bernard Campbell and Co Solicitors] v Multi Development UK Ltd
[2010] NIQB 82 Weatherup J
O'Rawe (Bridget) v William Trimble Ltd
[2010] NIQB 124 Gillen J
SP Graham Ltd v North West Bookmakers Ltd (Ladbrokes)
[2010] NICty 2 His Honour Judge Grant
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust v SM
[2010] NIFam 10 Weir J
Devine (Sean) v McAteer (Daniel)
[2010] NICA 28 Girvan LJ
R v McDermott (John Michael), (James Francis) and (Owen Roe)
[2010] NICC 29 His Honour Judge McFarland
Queen v Porter (Robert Dean) and Regan (Niall) [No 2]
[2010] NICC 23 Hart J