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312 results
Queen v McStravick (Stephen Paul)
[2010] NICA 34 Girvan LJ
Carson (Esther Pauline) and Carson (William Wesley)
[2010] NIFam 17 Weir J
Caldwell (John) Practising as Caldwell Warner Solicitors and Warner (Ivan) Practising as Caldwell Warner Solicitors v Morgan Walker Solicitors LLP
[2010] NIQB 115 Gillen J
Love (Stephen Charles) v Department of Regional Development and McKeever (Kevin Anthony) v Department for Regional Development
[2010] NIQB 114 Gillen J
Mullholland’s (David) Application
[2010] NIQB 118 Treacy J
Shayegh (Bijan) v South Eastern Health and Social Services Board Trust and Northern Health and Social Services Trust
[2010] NIQB 112 Coghlin J
Queen v Meenan (Garry James John) and Kelly (Nadine)
[2010] NICC 37 Hart J
JR44’s Application (Leave Stage)
[2010] NIQB 119
Fernheath Development Limited v Malone (David) and Malone (Kelly Ann Lynn)
[2010] NICh 19 Deeny J
A (A minor) and B (A Minor) by C their mother and next Friend v A Health and Social Services Trust
[2010] NIQB 108 Gillen J
Grace (a pseudonym) (Relocation application)
[2010] NIFam 15 Stephens J
House of Fraser and Others’ Application (Leave Stage)
[2010] NIQB 105 Girvan LJ
Planning Service v Young (William) and Young (Roberta)
[2010] NIMag 5 District Judge (MC) White
Short (John) v Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
[2010] NIQB 116 McCloskey J
Queen v Jones (Gary) Ruling No 3: Abuse of Process
[2010] NICC 44 McCloskey J
Queen v McCaugherty (Paul, Anthony, John) and Gregory (Dermot, Declan)
[2010] NICC 35 Hart J
Central Craigavon’s Application
[2010] NIQB 102
JR41’s Application
[2010] NIQB 104 Treacy J