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312 results
Traffic Signs and Equipment Ltd v Department for Regional Development and Department of Finance and Personnel
[2010] NIQB 138 Weatherup J
P McC (Contact: Change of Name)
[2010] NIFam 21 Stephens J
Craigavon Borough Council v Western Brand Chicken Ltd, Western Brand Poultry products, Western Brand group Ltd and Bertie Robinson and Eurofreeze (Ireland) ltd
[2010] NIQB 133 Weatherup J
Ferran (Patrick) and Chief Constable of Northern Ireland
[2010] NIQB 137 Gillen J
Queen v Jones (Gary)
[2010] NICC 45 McCloskey J
Director of Public Prosecution's Reference (Nos 2 and 3 of 2010) McCauley (Anthony Joseph) and Seaward (Paul Ronan)
[2010] NICA 36 Morgan LCJ
Loughran’s (Michael) Application
[2010] NIQB 121 Coghlin LJ
R v Anthony Joseph McAuley and Paul Ronan Seaward, Director of Public Prosecution’s Reference (Numbers 2 and 3 of 2010)
[2010] NICA 36 Morgan LCJ
Murdock (Janette) v SEELB
[2010] NICh 18 Deeny J
Re A (Discharge of care order; Residence order; Rehabilitation)
[2010] NIFam 16 Morgan LCJ
Sloan’s (Thomas) Application
[2010] NIQB 122 Deeny J
Queen v Canning (Marvin)
[2010] NICC 41 McCloskey J
Thiruvengaham (Narendran) v General Medical Council
[2010] NIQB 123 Gillen J
Queen v Eamonn Coyle
[2010] NICC 40 McLaughlin J
Thompson’s (Ciara) Application
[2010] NIQB 120 Treacy J
McAleese v Menary
BT/128/2008 Mr Curry
Queen v Bowe (Jonathan), Duffin (Liam) and McClure (Elizabeth Margaret)
[2010] NICC 53 His Honour Judge Miller KC
In the matter of the Representation of the People Act 1983 and In the matter of the parliamentary election for Fermanagh and South Tyrone held on 6 May 2010
[2010] NIQB 113 Morgan LCJ