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223 results
R v Charles Malachy Oliver Pollock
[2005] NICA 43 Kerr LCJ
McMonagle v White and McMonagle Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Company Ltd and Quinn Direct Insurance Ltd
[2005] NIQB 84 Deeny J
Queen v Charles Malachy Oliver Pollock
[2005] NICA 43 Kerr LCJ
R v Fulton, Gibson, Landry & Landry (No. 5) - Ruling on Authorisation (3)
[2005] NICC 49 Hart J
Council for the Regulation of Health Care Professionals v The Nursing and Midwifery Council and Claire McDonnell
[2005] NIQB 69 Weatherup J
R v Bothwell
[2005] NICC 40 Her Honour Judge Smyth
R v Fulton & Others (No. 4) - Ruling on Authorisations
[2005] NICC 48 Hart J
Blair and Another v AWG Residential Ltd and Others
[2005] NIQB 68 Coghlin J
In the matter of the assets recovery agency and in the matter of Gerard Malachy Keenan and Terence Fergal Keenan and Claire Martin Keenan, Michelle Anne Keenan, Kilcluney Beverages Limited, Corrina Confectionary Limited, Moldova Wines Limited and in the matter of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
[2005] NIQB 67 Coghlin J
Queen v Henry Christopher Michael Marley
[2005] NICA 40 Kerr LCJ
Victor Mallen v The Department for Regional Development
[2005] NIQB 70 Deeny J
In the matter of Paul Arthur Maye and in the matter of the Proceeds of Crime (Northern Ireland) Order 1996
[2005] NICA 41 Nicholson LJ
R v Fulton & others (No. 3) - Ruling on application for a stay on Disclosure Grounds
[2005] NICC 47 Hart J
A and D's Application
[2005] NIQB 65 Gillen J
H v C
[2005] NIFam 14 McLaughlin J
Re P and C
[2005] NIFam 11 Gillen J
Queen v Ryan Quinn
[2005] NICC 33 Deeny J
In the matter of an application by Peter Neill for judicial review
[2005] NIQB 66 Girvan J